False Hope     

Warp their target's mind, creating a visual of 2-D4 ways, or paths, to follow.


This does not have to be actual paths. It can be anything (doorways out, creeks to follow, holes to crawl through, sounds or voices heard, weapons drawn, spells cast, Etc.), as long as there are 2-D4 choices (only 1 is a correct choice, however that plays out). This ability is a real nightmare to the Night`Shade's targets.



If there are 5 paths, the player must pick the correct path (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5). Only one path is the correct one, and the Game Master will predetermine that path beforehand.


Area of Effect --- : All creatures it is hunting.

Avoidance-Roll - : Yes: vs. "Enchantment" (only 1 creature with the highest target's intelligenc will be allowed to attempt this avoidance-roll --- if the targets are wthin eyeshot of each other).


Duration ---------- : 1-D4 hours.